Wedding Photography in Raleigh Last Weekend

The wedding was held at the Marriott Hotel in Raleigh, NC. I arrived to the bridal room a bit early and was able to get some nice photographs of the details of their wedding. Flowers, rings, dresses. One thing this couple did for their wedding unlike most weddings I have photographed and shot videos for is the fact that this was a highly self-produced wedding day.

Upon arriving to the bridal preparation room and taking out my Canon 50D, I quickly realized that the people getting the flowers and decorations ready were not your typical wedding and event service provider. This was all-hands-on-deck family members picking up the tasks and getting the bride ready for her wedding day.

The officiant for her wedding was a friend of hers as well.
One really awesome occurrence during the ceremony was a very unique wedding ceremony idea. They had the best man and the maid of honor read a script that told the story of how and why they love each other.
I thought that was such a magnificent way to share the love they feel for each other with the selected audience they wanted with them on their wedding day.
My favorite photo I got on their wedding day was of the flowers you see above - mainly because the flowers were originally on a gray chair and with a bit of photo shop I felt the green I added to it really made those family-made bouquets stand out.