Monday, May 18, 2009

Barclay's in Angier North Carolina

I had a wonderful time working for A Moment Like This over the weekend. A Moment Like This is a husband and wife photography photography / video company based out of Raleigh NC. They contacted me recently to help them out as a videographer for the wedding this past weekend.

Cary NC Wedding, Family, and Children Photography

I can safely say without a doubt that after 7 years in the wedding and event photo and video world I have finally seen the wedding location that cannot be topped. Barclay's Villa is one of the most amazing wedding locations I have ever seen. It is immaculate, expansive and and gorgeous.

Cary NC Wedding, Family, and Children Photography

The grounds are stunningly manicured, replete with statues, fountains, pools grandios balconies and castle-like features.

Cary NC Wedding, Family, and Children Photography

While Barclay Villa is truly a landmark Castle it is thoroughly modern with deluxe amenities available for cast, staff & crew as required, including accommodations and catering.

Cary NC Wedding, Family, and Children Photography