Monday, June 7, 2010

Juliann and Kirk

This wedding was in Chapel Hill, NC and the Reception was at Sarah P Duke Garden's.

This wedding went spectacularly and it was all due to the bride's eagerness to have great photos of the wedding day. I won't say the photos were a bigger part of the day than the event itself BUT the photos were such an important part of her day that most other events were scheduled with the desire to have specific photosdone.

Some may call that a bridezilla to be so thorough (Juliann herself calls herself a bridezilla) but I totally disagree. Because she spoke, planned and was organized - I know she is going to be tremendously happy.

Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC
Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC
Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC
Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC

Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC

Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC

Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC

Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC
Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC

Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC
Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC
Wedding Photography Duke Gardens NC